AT&T’s Digital Marketing Group was using a combination of Jira and local file servers to manage their work: advertising, Web sites, and digital program guides for millions of subscribers. Files would be named something cryptic like program-guide-123-v14-finalfinal.psd, and there were many mistakes and lost hours as they tried to find—and manage—all that artwork across three geographically-separate offices.
The workflow system we built for them organizes projects, manages approvals and versions for each asset, and provides a rich suite of communication and collaboration tools to the team members. Deep integration with Jira means that artists can stay focused on their work, and spend less time managing tickets. Creative Directors can review entire campaigns, or just a selection of assets, and provide feedback as needed. And traffic managers can keep their eyes on everything at once, and know exactly where a project stands.

This system is built with Ruby on Rails, and hosted on Amazon Web Services’ LightSail virtual servers. Artwork is converted automatically on upload into Web-friendly formats and sizes. Original versions are always available for download, too. The search engine is able to locate matching campaigns, projects, and assets in one set of results. And the DMG is able to maintain its productivity—and sanity—despite an overwhelming workload.